
Showing posts from December, 2006

2006 is almost over

I just wanted to squeeze in a short post before the year of 2006 comes to an end. There were many events that happened within this year. Some good and some bad. Overall, it always feels like every year passes faster and faster. 2006 sure did fly by fast. The biggest personal milestone that I can say that happened in 2006 is the fact that I turned 30 years old. I feel the same, I look the same, but only a year older. I had a spectacualar birthday celebration with family and friends. It was good to see people I seldom see often; so seeing everyonewas a huge gift in itself. We played games, ate until we were stuffed and had a merry time. I hate to say this, but 2006 was not a good year for some friends and family that I know. A lot serious health issues derived and some almost close to life threatening. Not a good year, but at least we survived through it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed with wishes that 2007 turns out better. Hopefully 2007 will be starting year of a new career

Got Tapeworms???

Mickey the innocent little dog with dominance aggression has a little problem with his intestines. He has Tapeworms !!! We're unsure how he contracted this problem, but it's obviously not from eating McDonald's Hamburgers. Mickey possibly contracted the tapeworm problem from eating a flea that hosted the tapeworm larvae. I also noticed that he also licks plants and grass, which can be another way he contracted it. Tapeworms can be contagious to humans, but only contracted if we too eat the larvae from fleas or his stools. I noticed that Mickey had this issue when I was taking him out for his routine walk around the neighborhood. As I picked up his poop, I noticed a white object about the size of grain of rice on his poop. Holding my breath and observing it a little more, I noticed that this grain of rice started moving!! This discovery now gives me a solution as to why he has an increased appetite. Mickey is usually in the ballpark of seven pounds. He feels much heavier no


Today embarked the sad announcement of the death of James Kim , a CNET senior editor that died in the Oregon forests from a family roadtrip that went bad. It's been all over the news since his family and himself were announced missing. The fortunate news was that his wife and two children survived and found in good health. It's just very sad that he wasn't able to survive the cold weather, with limited food, and with very limited resources. My deepest sympathy goes out to his lovely family that he left behind. He is a man that gave his life basically to assure the lives of his family. I don't know Kim personally, but I did read his reviews on MP3 media players on CNET. May he rest in peace. To turn this subject into a happier moment, I wanted to announce Mickey's 7th birthday! Mickey is my dog that has a loveable innocent demeanor, yet can quickly change into an attack dog that bites. His personality is unpredictable, but lately he has been a good dog. So it's