
Showing posts from May, 2006

Christmas in May

As I walk into my office in the morning, I stumble upon two boxes that I've been long awaiting for. One box is large and the second is small. Excited like child in a toy store; it was my normal instinct to open the large box first. Enclosed in the large box was my new Executive Leather Office Chair. The original office chair I normally sit on was due for retirement. I would pump the chair up in the morning and by mid afternoon, I'd would nearly be in a squat position close to the floor. So I open the box up assemble the chair. I lean the chair back, get comfortable, spin around a few times, and test the hydraulics. Everything is fine and I can get started on my daily routine of work. As I'm sitting comfortably in my new office chair, I clear off my desk for the smaller box. Enclosed in the box was my new Canon Powershot SD550 Digital ELPH Camera that I purchased from Dell . I've been eyeing this camera for a least six months, and it happened to be on sale with free shi

Let me begin....let me start....

Image I guess I'm going to make a strong attempt to keep up with this blog trend that everyone is doing nowadays. Also trying to make an attempt to keep up to date with what's going on with my life, what I do, who I meet, and what I'm thinking. In the meantime, I hope that what I post on this blog will be a form of entertainment, because I have some entertaining experiences to share practically everyday. ---------------------------------------------------------- So as I'm sitting at home on my only day off....I ponder upon the life of a dog as I see my dog Mickey laying on the floor. Who can ask for a better life. You can sleep all day, eat, pee, poop, beg, growl, bark, whine, and go for walks. I'm sure it can get boring after awhile. Especially when your owner leaves you at home for long periods of time. Other than that, it's a simple life of rest and relaxation. I'm sure that are some fortunate dogs who are resourceful. Especially those who guide the bli