
Showing posts from February, 2010

Adventures in Mouse catching

**DISCLAIMER** if you are offended by sight of rodents or the killing of these cute little creatures; then do not continue on reading. Yes, a rodent was harmed in this process! These are pests that created damage to my house and jeopardized our attempts at sanitation. The rodent was killed instantly in the best humane manner (by electrical shock). Again, if you are offended or a PETA activist, do not read this. I apologize in advance and I am giving advance warning. We have been blessed with the company of mice at our residence. They are a pain and there are reason's why we call them "pests." It all started when Sherry noticed that there were tiny holes in our bag of raw rice that we kept in the bottom cabinet next to our sink. As I looked deeper with a flashlight inside the cabinet, I noticed little droppings all over the place. Our sink drainage pipe runs into the wall and through the same cabinet. It appears that the mouse was able to squeeze through a small opening in

MacDell Mini (the poor man's MacBook)

Alas! I now present to you my Hackintoshed Dell Mini 10v running on Apple's Snow Leopard Mac OS! Yes, I will remove the Windows 7 sticker that you see at the lower right hand corner. So long to the Windows 7 operating system that use to exisit on this computer. This was a rather easy task to accomplish. Not really complicated. Simple enough for someone who has some computer knowledge and can follow directions. It took about two hours to install. I wanted to give special thanks to mechdrew's guide on how to accomplish the installation process. As a disclaimer, I want to inform you that you will most likely void your Dell warranty and somewhat piss off Apple at the same time if you decided to take on this project. It's not illegal, but it is alterating the overall use of the peripheral. It took me awhile to adjust to Apple's user interface since I've been a PC Windows user for many years. The principals are virtually the same, but just in a different layout. It&

I'm CONFUSED....Smart Phone Use May Correlate to Political Party

I was listening to KCBS radio the other day and they reported that Democrats use the iPhone and Republicans have a Blackberry. Coincidence? Here's a link to their report: KCBS - Smart Phone Use May Correlate to Political Party Yes, this is good statistical information when using this type of data to promote directly to your campaign audience. Although, I don't find this correlation to be very accurate. President Obama is a Democrat and he is known to be a huge Blackberry fan. Does this mean he is a closet Republican since he loves his Blackberry? What are they going to say next? Democrats are more likely to drive a Toyota Prius and Republicans are more likely to drive a Ford F-150 pickup with a gun rack? What you own or use is not a strong determining factor of your political party ties. There are some close or similar trends or coincidences, but not a strong argument to determine a correlation. I guess you can call me bi-partisan since I have both the iPhone and