
Showing posts from December, 2007

Merry Christmas!

At last, we approach the most awaited day of the year! The time gift exchanging, over eating, and spending time with loved ones! Also let's not to forget the celebration of the birth of Christ. Yes, it's a hectic time, but we suffer through it anyways to remain in the spirit of giving. I was able to spend a good amount valuable time with my parents. They decided to come over to our place to spend the holidays since our families decided have their own individual celebrations rather than a huge family gathering. It was a different change because we're so used to the huge gathering, but it was also nice to have this small intimate immediate family gathering. As with all traditions, we always open our gifts at the strike of midnight on Christmas day (Christmas Eve to Christmas Day). We exchanged and opened gifts. The tearing, crunching, and crumbling of wrapping paper fills the room with echos of cacophony . Smells of chocolate fill the air with an aromatic sweetness that is ne

It's my birthday today!!!

Yes, another year to mark on the tally. Can't believe I turn 31 today. Geez , I'm getting old. Older, wiser, and fatter. No big celebration bash like last year . This year, I just want something simple. Just a small dinner. Sure the big celebrations are fun, but as I get older...simplicity is just easier and better. As I reflect back on the year as being 30, I can honestly say that it was the year of change. So many dramatic changes have been made. Just recently I made a career change. I spent nearly half the year trying to find myself and planning out my career goals. Luckly, I found a career that is less stressful, more flexible (time wise), and I work from home! Can't ask for a better job! This is the secret I was hiding in my last post. Other than that, I just looking forward to the holidays and new years! Just less than eight more days until Christmas!

Happy Birthday Serena!

Today is my little sister's birthday. As we get older and the numbers get higher, I still see her as my little sister despite our three year age difference (plus she's shorter than me). It's sad how we're getting older, but at the same time I can remember all the birthday parties we've shared since both of our birthdays land in December. Birthdays are special not only for the cake, but also the gathering we have as a family. Sure, no more huge parties celebrated at home with classmates and mom's homemade cupcakes with candles. Or a party at the local McDonalds with Ronald McDonald and an appearance of Santa Claus! My sister and I were fortunate that our parents always made a wonderful effort of having a fun celebration on our birthdays. Awaiting all the toys and gifts to open. Ahhh be a child again! The reality now is just a small gathering with family with a simple dinner and the traditional cake. As I get older, I'm slowly appreciating life