
Showing posts from November, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yet another year to give thanks!  Despite all the mess that's going on in today's economy, we should all be grateful and thankful for all the current blessings we all have.  Thankful for life, family, love, pets, jobs, electronics, transportation , football, turkey, good food, and BLACK FRIDAY! After perusing the Black Friday ads, nothing really captured my attention.  All the items such as cameras, GPS, and flat panel TVs exist with some at killer deal prices.  A new flat panel TV would be a nice addition to my home office also doubled as a computer monitor , but NAH! I consider myself very fortunate that I have all these items already.  So why go out to buy things on sale for items I already have?  That's just from my own personal perspective.  I'm the gadget guy with too many toys. Black Friday enthusiasts are just plain crazy!  Early birds definitely catch the worm, but at the same time freeze their asses off standing or camping in line. With everything going on wi

My Frustrations with the San Francisco Chronicle

Getting the morning San Francisco Chronicle newspaper delivered every morning to my residence is completely frustrating! Especially when I'm a paying subscriber! As more and more print publications are going under due to online readership, you would think delivery subscriptions would do a better job. Call me old fashioned, but I still like to read the morning paper while I drink my cup of coffee. I've been a subscriber since I got a random phone "cold call" about a promotion the San Francisco Chronicle where I can subscribe to the paper for six months on Wednesday through Sunday only. It was an inexpensive promotion for under $15. It was mentioned that the subscription was discounted because advertisers were subsidizing the subscription costs. Plus the added value was getting all the coupon savings from the Sunday paper. Blah blah blah. I'm sold. Send me the paper. If I recall correctly, the phone sales rep mentioned that I would get the paper within a

It's November already?!

First of all, "HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY!!!" To all those veterans out there who served past and present for our Country, "THANK YOU!" I think all Americans should give way more support to those who are currently serving for us despite our opposition to the current war we are in. People are dying out there to protect the freedom and rights that we have here in America. Let's have a moment a silence for them. Time sure does fly by fast and it's really hard for me to keep up with blogging. I still haven't had the discipline to blog faithfully about anything or everything that goes on in my little world. I am for one, very happy that we elected the first African American as President of the United States. Go Obama! I strongly believe that he will do a good job at moving our country in the right direction for the CHANGE that we need. Aside from the recent election, I've been also entertaining myself with the controversial California Prop 8 discus