
Showing posts from February, 2009

SFGate and their Comment Section

For the past few months, I applaud the San Francisco Chronicle because they've been doing a GREAT job in assuring that my paper is delivered on my scheduled delivery date. Perhaps they saw my blog posting rant about my constant mis-deliveries. :) Aside from reading the regular print news, I also read all the latest news stories from their online publication on . What I love the most (aside from reading the article itself) is reading all the comments that people post in reference to the article. I know that the comment section is moderated giving users the option to report "abuse." Usually the comments are full of posts from users who are comedians probably as their second job. I'll sit in from of my monitor, laughing my a$$ off at some of the comments posed. Here's an example of comments about the recent "Free Grand Slam Meal" from Denny's offered today. What's also very cool is the fact that you can give a "thumbs up&qu