
Showing posts from January, 2013

We're Officially PARENTS!

We are proud to announce the birth of our first daughter! Taylor Sophia Mar born January 21, 2013 at 5:10pm 7lbs 7oz and 19.7 inches long Happens to be born on the same date as my cousin Mindee! She is the first grandchild for both of our parents.  So you can imagine how happy our family is! It's also hard to believe that I'm a DAD!  The thought hasn't really sunken in yet. Why the name Taylor? I think Sherry is a hidden Taylor Swift fan! People usually ask if Taylor Swift name had any influence.  No!  We just liked the name.  Plus we can call her "Tay-Tay" as her shortened nickname. As we enter parenthood, we are both excited and scared.  Sleepless nights, diaper changes, nursing (not me), and all the fun stuff that is all part of the parenthood package. Welcome to our family Taylor!